Spectrum Analysis as Art

SpecAn Art

Spectrum Analysis as Art

I was looking into a wireless problem and ran across this interesting view in 2.4GHz in my spectrum analyzer. Believe it or not, this wasn’t related to the problem I was troubleshooting, because the problem I was fixing also impacted 5GHz. However, this struck me as artistic. I see it as oceans, trees, and mountains. I believe it’s a combination of some sort of analog frequency hopper (the peaks in back), a narrow band frequency hopper that may not be bluetooth (the “trees”), and a hodgepodge of wireless networks, not all of which were on 1,6, or 11. I posted it on Twitter and quite a few people thought it was interesting and wanted a copy, so here it is. We had a little fun parodying Bob Ross, too.

In case you want the version straight from Airmagnet Spectrum XT, I’ve included that below.

As saved from AirMagnet Spectrum XT

As saved from AirMagnet Spectrum XT


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